News fresh and hot, directly from 409'09
[ Memories ]
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hello People Who Still Reads This Blog :D Just to keep it alive imma update hahas. ![]() Hope you guys rmb this :P ![]() BBQ from the chalet~ Let's have another one ya? ![]() Visitors (: ![]() The Guys lols ![]() Playing games? well, shall update slowly hohohoho :P ~Hui Yee Posted by reporters of 409'09 at 8:24 AM
[ Photos Photos ]
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Hey guys!!! So how did you find the class chalet? hahas Well, I'll be compiling and uploading the photos & videos soon here (: It's a copy taken from everyone who posted on facebook and other sites etc (: captions will be added if you like hahas (: Look forward to the photos & videos upload yeah? (x Hui Yee Posted by reporters of 409'09 at 6:39 AM
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hello people. Class Chalet 2010! Please pay by Sun. Those who have not pay and those who nid to pay extra due to some changes please pay! And we are veryvery glad to accept 'donation' over.... over..... 'Chalet' stuffs. ^^" Please meet on Sun, 17 Jan, 1.30 @ AMK MRT Pls be on time! dun be late! those going yourself please inform me beforehand! We leaving at 1.30 SHARP. For those goin ownself one, please call me/brandon/nixon when u reach downtown to know the exact unit we are staying. we can only get the room on the day, so we dunno which room we will be staying. sry. =\ Please bring the following if u are staying over. 1) Class tee 2) Class jacket 3) Undergarment,towel, Toiletries etc. 4) AT LEAST 3 set of clothes. u guys might wanna bring more if u guys think u nid more clothes. 5) Extra money for other entertainment(like bowling/wildwild wet?) 6) Swim-wear, since we are goin to the beach. (optional) 7) Sleeping bag, in case the bed has no space(=P). 8) Your own entertainment at your own risk, such as PS2, guitar, laptop? 9) Tibits! Bring one packet will do. if everyone bring one bag of chips, we will have 39 bags of them! =D Oh, Btw, FYI, teachers invited are.... MrHiew, MsTan, MsFoo, MsChua, MrAng and MrsAng. so please do come for the BBQ and yea, 'donate'! For emergency, please call Xiuyi/William. Will be sending reminder msg 2moro morning/noon. so dun worry! If there is still any doubt, please call us! If thats all, cya on Sun! 1.30! =D Xiuyi' Posted by reporters of 409'09 at 6:55 AM
Thursday, January 14, 2010
HELLO 409! JAE Reminder, JAE ends 2moro! please submit your application BY 4pm 2moro. CLASS CHALET Please meet us at AMK MRT, 1.30pm on 17Jan if u are goin Downtown east with us. For those going there alone one, please tell us beforehand. =D Please bring the following for the chalet (if u are staying overnight) 1) Class tee 2) Class jacket 3) Undergarment,towel, Toiletries etc. 4) AT LEAST 3 set of clothes. u guys might wanna bring more if u guys think u nid more clothes. 5) Extra money for other entertainment(like bowling/wildwild wet?) 6) Swim-wear, since we are goin to the beach. 7) Sleeping bag, in case the bed has no space(=P). 8) Your own entertainment at your own risk, such as PS2, guitar, laptop? 9) Tibits! Bring one packet will do. if everyone bring one bag of chips, we will have 39 bags of them! =D ok, that should be all. Xiuyi' Posted by reporters of 409'09 at 4:09 AM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Hello 409! Congrats all niner for.... 1)100% (!!) in O level 2009 2)100% pass in Bio and Phy! (!!!!) (will update more on this when deyi has updated in on their website) Anyway, yesterday was up and down for all of us. Congrats to those that did very well. Those who thinks that u didnt did that well, it is alright. The JAE only ends on Friday, so take the time to think carefully. If u think u need any advice/consultation, i think most poly are having those course selection advice session going on. And open house of JCs have 'chit-chat' session too. =D Here is the JAE website: After u go to this website, scroll down, and click the 'JAE Pin' button. It will take u to another webpage that requires u to pin in ur NRIC and JAE PIN. JAE PIN can be found on the top right hand corner of that letter MrAng gave ytd. The rest is like fill in the blanks. JAE ends on friday, 4pm sharp. Please submit JAE before that time! and it is advices to print a hard copy of the verification slip for future reference. There will be a meeting over chalet's detail 2moro at 3pm, ex-co pls come! nid plan in game! grr. Chalet 2010! PLEASE meet at AMK MRT, 1.30pm sharp on 17 Jan2010. If u are goin downtown east urself, pls inform us beforehand! Hope to see u guys there. =D Lets have fun there!! =D Xiuyi' Posted by reporters of 409'09 at 12:42 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Hi 409! Hope u guys enjoy ur last few days of 'happiness'. COLLECTION OF O LEVEL RESULT 2009. Date: 11 Jan 2010 Time: 2.00 pm Venue: Deyi secondary, school hall. Attire: Either School uniform/tee-shirts or DECENT home clothes. Yea, according to MrAng, he doesnt mind us going back in home clothes, but he prefer us to wear school u and shirt back. If wear home clothe please wear... erh... 'decent-looking' type. Ask him urself if u still dun get it. (Etc, cannot be ultra-super mini skirt!) **EDITED URGENT: DYE HAIR PPL CALL ME FOR DETAILS! ok, less than 50 hours to it ppl. Jiayou! Xiuyi. Posted by reporters of 409'09 at 5:07 AM
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Hi ppl, In case u guys dunno,( i think many alr knew the nightmare from the look of my FB home) O level result will be release on the 11 Jan, Monday, 2pm. According to MrAng, please wear your School uniform. Half/full u will be confirm on a later date. And thanks to this change, VARIOUS JC will have a change in their Open house date, so pls look out for the edited version of that day post* point below. Class chalet planning to goin well. Meeting will be held on the 13th of Jan, after 5(the time JC open house end.) Selected ppl to attend only. Remember to bring ur KaChing!(money) on Mon! xiuyi'(die liaoh. -.=) Posted by reporters of 409'09 at 7:09 AM